Distal humeral fracture in Adults
นพ.อิสสรา ธรา, นพ. ศรัณย์ ตันติ์ทวิสุทธิ์
Presentation (Hx + PE)
- 26% incomplete ulnar neuropathy [C3]
- Soft tissue injuries around elbow , Close vs. Open , Vascular examination
Imaging and investigation : Rockwood and Green 7th edition
- AP/Lateral film
- Traction view (under GA + C-arm fluoroscopy) : Pre op. planninig
- CT Scan : Intra articular involvement / Shear type fracture [B3] / Elderly with highly comminution
Treatment : Rockwood and Green 7th edition
- Treatment principle
- Anatomic articular reduction
- Stable internal fixation of the articular surface
- Restoration of articular axial alignment
- Stable internal fixation of the articular segment to the metaphysis and diaphysis
- Early ROM of the elbow
- AAOS : Instructional Course Lectures 2013
xRs = radiographs, OR = operating room, 3DCT = 3 Dimensions CT, RA = Rheumatoid arthritis, ROM = range of motion and ExFix= external fixation
- Indication : Completely un-displaced fractures / Unable to tolerate anesthesia
- Immobilization of the elbow in 60 degree flexion 2-3 week
- Followed by gentle range-of-motion exercises
- Indication : Displaced/Intra-articular fracture
Operative consideration :
Timing of Surgery : within 48-72 hours
Surgical approach : Postieror/Medial/Lateral/Anterior
- Olecranon osteotomy :
- indication : Type B,C
- Contraindication : Possible of TEA
- Disadventage : Osteotomy complications
- Paratricipital
- Indication : Extra-articular , Simple articular [C1/C2]
- Contraindication : Cominuted intra-articular fracture
- Triceps splitting / Triceps reflecting / TRAP : To avoid Osteotomy complications
- Disadventage : Triceps insufficiency
Medial : Medial column fracture, Trochlear fracture, MCL tears
Lateral : B3 fracture
Anterior : Rarely used , use to repair brachial a. / median n.
Fixation principle
Anatomic articular surface
Stable fixation
- 2 strong plates : 3.5 mm at a minimum
- One-third tubular [option/additional plate]
Early ROM
Rehab : Early ROM
- Complicaitons : Rockwood and Green 7th edition
- Ulnar neuropathy : 26% in type C3 , if pre-op. ulnar n. symptom --> anterior transposition
- Heterotopic ossification : prophylaxis with indomethacin or RT --> controversy
- Nonunion : 6% : low fracture type , mark comminution , severe osteopenia
- Infection screening
- Treatment option : Revised fixation , TEA , Arthrodesis ,Resection arthroplasty
- Elbow stiffness : PM&R , Static progressive splinting surgical release
- Wound complication : ATB +/- Surgical debridement
- Olecranon osteotomy complication : Non-delay union 10% R/O infection , Revision plate ORIF with BG , Excision with Triceps advancement
- Rockwood and Green 7th edition
- Campbell 12th edition
- AAOS : Instructional Course Lectures 2013
- Aaron Nauth, MD McKee, MD J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011;93:686-700